Committees & Appointments

Committees established by the Legal Profession Act, 2017:

Credentials Committee
Linda Doll
Bruce Warnsby
Michelle Chan

Conduct & Competence Committees

Complaints Investigation Committee
Debra Fendrick, CIC Chair
Jean Whittow, K.C., Vice-Chair
Sharleen Dumont, Vice-Chair
Gregory Cavouras, Vice-Chair
Keith Parkkari, Vice-Chair
Mark Wallace, Vice-Chair

Complaint Dismissal Review Committee
Kathleen Kinchen, Chair
Paula Pasquali, Public Representative
Margaret Dumkee, Public Representative

Discipline Committee
Ronald S. Veale, Chair
Murray Long, Public Representative*
Thomas Flavin, Scott Niblock, and Mara Pollock, Members

*Discipline Committee – Individuals appointed by the Minister

Yukon Law Foundation
Under section 142 of the new Act, the Yukon Law Foundation is continued. Under paragraph 23(2)(a) of the Interpretation Act, these appointments to the board of the Foundation are effectively continued until appointments are made under the new Act.

Name: Term Expires on:
Alex Benitah April 12, 2026
James Barsby July 2, 2027
Arthur Mauro July 2, 2027

Committees Under Rule 185

Under subsection 10(1) of the Act, the Executive may also establish committees and authorize a committee to do anything that the Executive may do under the Act (except the making of a rule).

Continuing Professional Development Committee

Name: Term Expires on:
Bruce Warnsby, Chair February 17, 2026
Andrea Bailey February 20, 2026
Jennie Cunningham February 20, 2026
Emma Dickson August 18, 2025
Neil Thomson August 18, 2025

Audit Committee

Name: Term Expires on:
Leo Lane August 8, 2027
Mark Wallace February 6, 2026
Meagan Lang February 6, 2026

Compensation Fund Committee

Name: Term Expires on:
Serge Lamarche, Chair February 6, 2026
Keith Parkkari February 6, 2026

Advisory Committees established by the Executive to assist the Society in meeting its purposes:

Access to Justice Committee

Name: Term Expires on:
Paul Di Libero, Chair May 24, 2025
Baird Makinson July 4, 2025
Natasha Pettinger February 20, 2027
Ron Veale October 11, 2025
Anna Starks-Jacob January 24, 2026
Cathy Rasmussen December 16, 2026
Lynn MacDiarmid February 21, 2026

Lawyers Assistance Program Committee

Name: Term Expires on:
Kathy Kinchen December 14, 2027
Emma Dickson May 3, 2026
Kelly Hjorth November 8, 2026

Social Committee

Vida Nelson                Lauren Wildgoose   Arthur Ferguson
Cathy Rasmussen [Co-Chair]      James Barsby        Amy Chandler [Co-Chair]

Truth & Reconciliation Advisory Committee

Name: Expiry Date:
Melissa Carlick, Chair February 25, 2028
Gavin Gardiner February 25, 2028
Leo Lane February 20, 2026
Kevin MacGillivray October 7, 2026
Chris Butler [ex officio] June 22, 2026

Appointment to External Committees:

Appointments are made by the Executive identifying a specific volunteer member of the Society to sit on an external organization as the appointee of the Law Society.

The external body is not within the control of the Law Society.  The individual appointed usually has experience or expertise or interest in the area.  The appointee does not necessarily represent the Society in the sense that direction is taken or instructions are received from the Law Society.  For the most part, the appointee participates as an individual with little or no reporting relationship with the Law Society and does not bind or represent the view of the Society.

Federation of Law Societies of Canada
David McWhinnie, Council Member for Yukon
Term Expires: November 15, 2027

Federal Judicial Advisory Committee
Appointee: Lynn MacDiarmid
Term Expires: December 15, 2026

Judicial Council of the Territorial Court
Appointee: Kelly Labine
Term Expires:  February 19, 2028

Legal Services Society Board
Appointee: Vacant
Term Expires:

Yukon Foundation
Appointee: Cindy Freedman
Term Expires:  December 1, 2027

For more information or terms of reference for any of the committees, please contact our office at