Truth & Reconciliation

In recognition of its responsibility to foster reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the Law Society of Yukon has approved the formal statement of commitment to reconciliation.

The statement of commitment outlines steps that the Law Society of Yukon will take to foster truth and reconciliation, including implementing mandatory cultural competency training for its members.

The statement of commitment was developed by the Law Society of Yukon Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Advisory Committee in consultation with the Executive of the Law Society of Yukon. The Executive is grateful to the TRC Advisory Committee for its work and guidance, and acknowledges the following committee members:

  • Dave Joe, Member of the Law Society of Yukon;
  • Erin Linklater, Member of the Law Society of Yukon;
  • Gavin Gardiner, Member of the Law Society of Yukon;
  • Chris Butler, ex officio member and Public Representative on the LSY Executive; and
  • Melissa Carlick, Public Representative on the LSY Executive, and Chair of the Committee.