Engagement Of Women In The Legal Profession: A Virtual Round Table In The Territories

Speaker/s: Sandra P. MacKenzie, Stephanie Whitecloud-Brass & Lesley McCullough

Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Start Time: 12:00 pm

End Time: 1:30 pm

Cost: Free

CPD Credits: 1.5

Registration: please RSVP to Alaina Botham at branch.cbant@gmail.com, no later than Monday, October 3rd, 2022.

The retention of women in the legal profession has been examined extensively over the years, and many reports have recommended change. Yet, women continue to face barriers in the legal profession regarding parental leave, representation in leadership positions within firms and other organizations, pay equity, and sexual harassment.

Join hosts Judge Renee Cochard, International Association of Women Judges, and Justice K.M. Shaner, Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories, at this virtual event designed to engage in dialogue about continuing barriers to further progress. The event will include breakout rooms to discuss retention and representation in the profession, pay equity and career progression, childcare, maternity and eldercare, sexual harassment and discrimination, or flexible and remote work.

Sandra P. MacKenzie, Partner, Lawson Lundell LLP
Stephanie Whitecloud-Brass, Legal Aid Commission (NWT)
Lesley McCullough, Yukon Legal Services Society

Registration for this event is free of charge and we invite all members of the profession to participate, not only women, as it will take a collective effort from all of us to effect lasting change. There will be the opportunity for small break-out discussions, so please come prepared to participate and share your ideas for a more inclusive legal profession.

This CPD has been approved for 1.5 hours by the Law Society of British Columbia and may be applied towards the mandatory 12 hour Continuing Professional Development requirement in both BC and Yukon.